Sunday 29th April, 2007 - 0130 hrs
Now what's so special about this date and time, is that what you ask? Well, to any other person it is just another midnight hour.... but for my, it was a different night!! Now this may seem stupid, but I always held this belief that I cannot dance...... and thus would never be found dancing even if all my friends would hit the floor. Used to avoid the discs too.
On this particular night, a friend calls me up and asks me to join him another friend of our as they were about to hit AREA 51 at Pancards Club, supposed to Asia's largest disc..... Bolt from the blue!! Me and a disc??? And then I was like, "what the heck, let's give it a try!!" And so I left for the disc along with my two friends.
It was 1:30 in the night, when I stepped into that disc. The feel and the music got to me!! Not bad!! I liked it........ But still not ready to hit the dance floor...... My friends being the footloose fellas that they were hit the floor immediately........ But soon enough managed to pull me onto the floor and then it was a world which only spun around as I got into the groove........... Later on I was like "God!! Must have been making a fool of myself out there!! Sheesh!! What was I thinking??" As if on cue..... (I was surprised for a moment, after all I was just thinking!!) my friend turns around and asks "Why the hell don't you dance?? You are damn good!!" Surprise.......... surprise............ No one was more surprised than me.... for this was coming from an amazing dancer!! IS he pulling my leg?? Later, it got confirmed that he wasn't pulling my leg.......... he was being honest!!
Well........... we called it a night at 0330 hrs, but by then my shyness and the mental shackles involved regarding dance was broken.............. Guess, I have to buy a pair of dancing shoes now!!
What do you say guys??
Oi!! So you are here?? Welcome to my inner sanctum. I trust you won't be disappointed. Stay tuned, as I mumble along now.
Monday, April 30, 2007
One day!!
This particular piece came about into its existence whilst I was formulating a suitable reply at a particular, where I believe the theme was very much the same.
As I stare out into the blue skies....
And feel teh green grass beneath my feet....
I long for her presence right next me....
To savour this moment that I have here with me....
But alas! I dunno should that day ever come....
For she's a dream.....
A dream I hope that shall be....
One day!!
As I stare out into the blue skies....
And feel teh green grass beneath my feet....
I long for her presence right next me....
To savour this moment that I have here with me....
But alas! I dunno should that day ever come....
For she's a dream.....
A dream I hope that shall be....
One day!!
Friday, April 27, 2007
And so we met again!!
Those who have been regular at my blog from the early days or have bothered to go through my blogs carefully, would remember me talking about a meeting with girl in a train journey. (Click here for the post!!) Well, the question that I had raised there was whether we would stay in touch or not? Well, we did......
It was intermittent, but yes, it was there. Now, here comes the beautiful part. Despite being in touch (regular talks over the phone) we two lazy bones never managed to meet up until today!!
Did it invlove a lot of planning?? Nopes!! Loadsa preparation?? Nah!!
However, this time around we really were left with no option but to meet up!! You see she is leaving Pune..... yeah!! she was here for her studies. Now that they are over, she has to go back to her place. So we had to meet............"der aaye durust aaye!!" hehe.... is that what you are thinking??
Anywyz, was supposed to catch up with her at 11:30 in the morning, which for a ncoturnal animal like me, is like early morning. Still managed to get up on time, almost got ready on time, thne inexplicably got late..... by nearly 45 minutes!! And I am one lucky guy.... Else how would you explain, a really pretty and cute girl waiting for you for nearly an hour???? I really am blessed when it comes to friends!! :P So there, she was standing arms akimbo, in front of me (if looks could kill..... dunno what my fate would have been!! :D) What a glare!!! Will remember that glare forever lady!! And so like always the chatter boxes start the show......... Ah!! the talks went on and on............ And suddenly thanks to her, we realised that I had to push off for work...... it was 1:45 pm...... already 15 min late..........
We dashed........ I jumped into an auto, while she got on to her scooty and sped off (typical puneri girl!! :P).
Our lives kept us in opposite end of the city............. but still we managed to meet......... It was a nice morning......... After a long time have had a wonderful breakfast companion!! :D
At this point as she packs her bags (less than 48 hrs to her departure!!), I hate to bid her adieu.........
I guess, I 'll say Au revoir........... "Phir milenge.............."
It was intermittent, but yes, it was there. Now, here comes the beautiful part. Despite being in touch (regular talks over the phone) we two lazy bones never managed to meet up until today!!
Did it invlove a lot of planning?? Nopes!! Loadsa preparation?? Nah!!
However, this time around we really were left with no option but to meet up!! You see she is leaving Pune..... yeah!! she was here for her studies. Now that they are over, she has to go back to her place. So we had to meet............"der aaye durust aaye!!" hehe.... is that what you are thinking??
Anywyz, was supposed to catch up with her at 11:30 in the morning, which for a ncoturnal animal like me, is like early morning. Still managed to get up on time, almost got ready on time, thne inexplicably got late..... by nearly 45 minutes!! And I am one lucky guy.... Else how would you explain, a really pretty and cute girl waiting for you for nearly an hour???? I really am blessed when it comes to friends!! :P So there, she was standing arms akimbo, in front of me (if looks could kill..... dunno what my fate would have been!! :D) What a glare!!! Will remember that glare forever lady!! And so like always the chatter boxes start the show......... Ah!! the talks went on and on............ And suddenly thanks to her, we realised that I had to push off for work...... it was 1:45 pm...... already 15 min late..........
We dashed........ I jumped into an auto, while she got on to her scooty and sped off (typical puneri girl!! :P).
Our lives kept us in opposite end of the city............. but still we managed to meet......... It was a nice morning......... After a long time have had a wonderful breakfast companion!! :D
At this point as she packs her bags (less than 48 hrs to her departure!!), I hate to bid her adieu.........
I guess, I 'll say Au revoir........... "Phir milenge.............."
Holy Grail
Controversial topic, made more by "Da Vinci Code" written by Dan Brown. A friend of mine once put forth his question on the holy grail: Is the impregnated womb of Mary Magdalene the holy grail that carried the blood of Jesus?? Or it's a something like a large container in which the blood of Jesus is collected during crucification??
Here is my take:
First and foremost let's talk of the Holy Grail. I haven't got any idea for sure, but would share with you whatever I have read and seen through documentaries and books (not Da Vinci Code!!). I may be wrong and would love to be corrected. No offence meant to anyone in particular. There are quite a few theories regarding the Grail, or rather its true nature.
1. The Cup of Life (I guess, that's the name) - This is basically the glass that Jesus and his 13 disciples drank from during the Last Supper, made popular by Da Vinci's painting on the same topic. Numerous murals too have been found on the same. The container is believed to have
been very large, though subsequent Grail hunters have come to believe that it is not really that big, and might actually be a very small one..... note: Though, termed as the Grail, legend has it that it is part of the Grail treasure and not the Grail itself.

2. The womb of Mary Magdalene - This is believed to the true Grail. According to certain section of the Grail seekers and believers both Mary and Jesus hailed from two royal families. Mary had consorted with Jesus, and had borne a child of him. This resulted in a bloodline that was undoubtedly very superior to many royal bloodlines - later believed to have been the Merovingian Dynasty of France. It is this belief that has driven many a noble man over centuries in search on the very documents and as if believed by some its protection, and protection of the bloodline. (Much highlighted by Dan Brown!!)

During the First Crusade, in 11th century AD, Godfroi de Bouillion was declared as the King of Jerusalem, which he had refused. He had founded the Order of Sion, based in Mt. Sion, and later Poor Knights of the Temple of Solomon, later known as the Knights Templar. What transpired there onwards has always been subject to intense speculation, save for certain facts:
1. Order of Sion ceased to show much activity since about 17th AD. Its believed that they took cover under various names and disguises to save themselves.
2. Knights Templar, when they moved out of Solomon's Temple, are said to have gone out with Trunks laden with things really heavy and certain documents/scrolls. The nature of the
content known to very few. Yet, mysteriously, this very group of knights proved themselves to be very powerful in the Christian world shortly after this. Modern banking principles are credited to them.

However, Friday the 13th, October, 1307, the powerful Templars were taken in by the royal army on charges of Heresy. The attack was said to have been swift and carried out simultaneously across all Templar centres. Few escaped unscathed. This is termed as one of the deadliest operations of its age. Rumour has it that the Pope had some role to play in this matter.
The latest to fuel this particular theory was Sauniere, a small time priest at Rennes-le-Chateau, who inexplicably became a sought after person of his time. The church that he had designed for the village too was a bit off the conventional catholic church.... Sauniere's life is a mystery few have been able to uncover it save for his mixing with a certain section of the crowd, rumoured to be members and even Grand Masters of the Prieure de Sion. And then one cannot forget the induction of noted Grail hunter Otto Rahn in the SS, by Himmler (a believer in this theory), so that Rahn could continue his research and finally hand over the Grail and related findings to the Third Reich, to be utilised by Himmler to advance his notion of the chosen race. A Grail hunter of later years has claimed the Chalice which was use in the last supper was actually very small and was in possession o f a certain family in Europe.
Loads of rumours, loads of speculations, yet few can explain the attack on Mt. Segur, the sudden flourishment of Rennes-le-Chateau, Sauniere, Knights Templar convincingly without bringing in the theory of Mary's womb being the Holy Grail, the true Chalice!!
There is more......... Surf the net and god knows what else you will come up with. Here are some links from for you:
Holy Grail, Knights Templar, The Last Supper, Sauniere, Priory of Sion
These links are from wikipedia.
Note: The pictures are courtesy Wikipedia too!!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Chocolate Fantasy
"A lot can happen over coffee" - that's the punch line used by CCD or Cafe Coffee Day. Well.... I think I would like to add one more to this...... "Chocolate". Yes, the supposedly source of sinful pleasure, a source of mood upliftment. Oh!! I almost forgot - a window into the wild side of a girl!! Surprised??? Well then let me tell you a story about a girl and her obsession with Chocolate. (Btw, I'm a chocaholic too!! ;))
A beautiful early summer evening, a guy and a girl decide to meet up at a popular coffee joint in the city. Having met less than 48 hrs ago, they knew pretty well, should their friends come to know about it, there would be more than just a little fodder for gossip. but then, caution has to be thrown to the winds at times!! And so, the young couple (dats wot det seemed to any passerby) stroll into this coffee shop......... Beautiful ambience..... low lighting... corner seats..... literally isolated!! Perfect setting............ And os the chatterboxes begin........ Time for some order....... A tall glass of some sort of a coffee & chocolate shake.......... topped with chocolate ice cream and chocolate sauce!! Tempting??? Hold on............... For the evening of temptation has just begun............. Did I mention whipped cream being added to it?? :D..... Well between exploration of

And so, with the drink over..... the two youngsters walk out of the cafe.. and head off in an aimless manner......... Till they spot another one...... A favourite cafe for both them......... And so, they went in to plunge into a little more coffee, or so they thought........ Once in, the order was for a Chocolate Fantasy, with hot chocolate sauce and vanilla ice cream......... Can you imagine how tempting it can be?? Trust me, it's one of my favourites there........ Apart from "Sizzling Brownie". Anywyz, talks galore......... the contents are better left in the minds of the two... and the imagination of the reader ;) hehe.......... And den a hot & cold plate of the desired stuff arrives......... The chocolate carzy girl grabs a spoon, scoops up a piece of the pastry with lots of chocolate sauce, slowly engulfs the entire spoon.......... in a very tantalizing manner draws the spoon out, leaving the contents to melt in and reach the corners of her mouth......... and then comes the sound effect.... Mmmmmmm................ Gosh!! I was strangely reminded of a scene from the movie "Salaam Namaste", where in a similar situation Saif asks Preity not to make such sounds as people would be under the impression that he's doing something to her........... Trust me the guy was in to better position!! lol........... And then, to watch the girl devour the pastry was a treat to the eyes, for its then that a very sensual side of the lady just peeked out.............
Intrigued about the lady's identity?? Wanna treat her to a chocolate fantasy?? Well.... take my advice............ forget it!!
However, it was this that brought me to look for the reason for such reactions with resp[ect to chocolate. And this is what I have found:
1. Chocolate is known to release a chemical which induces the feelings of pleasure in a human.
2. In fact, who doesn't enjoy when a chocolate simply melts in his/her mouth?? Did you know, that this actually causes one's heart rate to be more intense than that caused even by a passionate kiss??
3. Add to that how the effect lasts for several hours after you've had chocolate.
4. Chocolate or any product associated with chocolate is believe to be helpful in the upliftment of soemone's mood........ This is why one would find a lot many people especially women, go for something chocolaty when they feel a bit down!!
5. Historically, chocolate has always been termed as an Aphrodisiac............ Though there are no researches to fortify this claim, chocolate till date remains an eternal favourite gift for a lady, when we guys try to woo them...... an important courtship element!!
The history of chocolate, it's types and the way it is created is a long story. To know more about it click here.
Till then cheerio.........
When colleagues are you friends.......... b'days r fun!!
I dunno if this is an apt title for what I'm about to write, but then I'm a bit nostalgic rite now...... Was going through this blog, where the lady talks about a wonderful experience with strangers....... And somehow I was reminded of a few...... no not with strangers... but with friends.... my colleagues. Let me narrate the incidents to you:
Scene 1: My birthday in 2005 - 22nd
Time 0000 hrs........I was on a phone call..... at that point of time I was staying at the company guest house..... lavish settings and all..... i was busy tending to a couple of calls wishing me on my birthday....... but my flatmates didn't turn up... they were busy watching the TV.....
half an hour later, Biren comes in and asks me to step out of the bedroom......... I was full off questions.............
a walk down the corridor took me to the dining hall, which was totally dark................. unknowingly a smile had started forming on my face...... these buggers (Biren, Nikhil M. and Balaji) had planned up something!! it really wasn't much.... but they had brought in the most cutest and the most chocolaty cake that I had seen.......... guess, for the first time in my life i was speechless.......... after i learned to speak that is!! :D
Scene 2: Next day at office
Post Lunch hour...
This time two more joined in the bandwagon Sailee and Nitish......... two of my closest buddies till date...... I dunno... but guess they had managed to get the who's who of our DC for the ritualistic cake smearing............ And boy!! wot a smearing!! I was fair for a few moments den!! :P
Scene 3: Nitish's birthday abt 3 weeks later
Nitish was pretty cool the night before...... it was only the both of us at the guest house......
But a plan had been hatched........... Sailee and another fella were part of it............
Midnight struck.......... Sailee calls up....... Nitish is gladly chatting away to her.......... she doesn't wish him.....
and neither does Nitish know that she's right there in the same flat den..... after she's supposed to be at her accommodation!!
And den............ "Happy Birthday to You"............. probably one of the biggest surprises that Nitish has had till date.......... Can still remember him smiling!! And then cake smearing................ I'm damn sure he'll remember it the rest of his life!! :)
Scene 4: A few weeks after Sailee's birthday
By this time we were scattered.... our training over, we were into our respective projects....... September, 2006.......... I turned up in Mumbai to meet Sailee and Nitish............. All this while, me and Nitish had planned on a gift for Sailee..... something she had admitted she hasn't been gifted till date.......... She knew about it.......... But then, she was also skeptical about the entire gift as it was me who was buying..........
Centre One, Vashi...... Food Plaza..... A chirpy girl opens a packet, finds an exquisite piece of garment, screams in delight and could only say "Thanks guys!!" Click!! A Kodak Moment!! The gift?? Ask her if you must know!!
This one is my personal fav!!
Scene 5: My 23rd b'day
Time 2345 hrs, the night before, I'm in Pune, Sailee on her way to Nasik from Mumbai............ As usual, I get a call from her..... she's bored...... and den we keep talking................... and suddenly i hear a girl singing out loud... "Happy Birthday to You".... I checked my watch..... perfect timing........... The clock had just struck midnight............ and den she confesses.... "I wanted to be the first one, so made sure no one gets to sneak in a call before mine!!"............ Isn't dat lovely?? My best friend, can't turn up at my b'day..... but still managed to give me a gift dat will always make me smile................. perhaps one of the most beautiful gifts ever!! Thanks moti!!
There are more..... I decided to stick with b'days amongst Me, Sailee and Nitish............. Three Musketeers!!Cheerio!!
Scene 1: My birthday in 2005 - 22nd
Time 0000 hrs........I was on a phone call..... at that point of time I was staying at the company guest house..... lavish settings and all..... i was busy tending to a couple of calls wishing me on my birthday....... but my flatmates didn't turn up... they were busy watching the TV.....
half an hour later, Biren comes in and asks me to step out of the bedroom......... I was full off questions.............
a walk down the corridor took me to the dining hall, which was totally dark................. unknowingly a smile had started forming on my face...... these buggers (Biren, Nikhil M. and Balaji) had planned up something!! it really wasn't much.... but they had brought in the most cutest and the most chocolaty cake that I had seen.......... guess, for the first time in my life i was speechless.......... after i learned to speak that is!! :D
Scene 2: Next day at office
Post Lunch hour...
This time two more joined in the bandwagon Sailee and Nitish......... two of my closest buddies till date...... I dunno... but guess they had managed to get the who's who of our DC for the ritualistic cake smearing............ And boy!! wot a smearing!! I was fair for a few moments den!! :P
Scene 3: Nitish's birthday abt 3 weeks later
Nitish was pretty cool the night before...... it was only the both of us at the guest house......
But a plan had been hatched........... Sailee and another fella were part of it............
Midnight struck.......... Sailee calls up....... Nitish is gladly chatting away to her.......... she doesn't wish him.....
and neither does Nitish know that she's right there in the same flat den..... after she's supposed to be at her accommodation!!
And den............ "Happy Birthday to You"............. probably one of the biggest surprises that Nitish has had till date.......... Can still remember him smiling!! And then cake smearing................ I'm damn sure he'll remember it the rest of his life!! :)
Scene 4: A few weeks after Sailee's birthday
By this time we were scattered.... our training over, we were into our respective projects....... September, 2006.......... I turned up in Mumbai to meet Sailee and Nitish............. All this while, me and Nitish had planned on a gift for Sailee..... something she had admitted she hasn't been gifted till date.......... She knew about it.......... But then, she was also skeptical about the entire gift as it was me who was buying..........
Centre One, Vashi...... Food Plaza..... A chirpy girl opens a packet, finds an exquisite piece of garment, screams in delight and could only say "Thanks guys!!" Click!! A Kodak Moment!! The gift?? Ask her if you must know!!
This one is my personal fav!!
Scene 5: My 23rd b'day
Time 2345 hrs, the night before, I'm in Pune, Sailee on her way to Nasik from Mumbai............ As usual, I get a call from her..... she's bored...... and den we keep talking................... and suddenly i hear a girl singing out loud... "Happy Birthday to You".... I checked my watch..... perfect timing........... The clock had just struck midnight............ and den she confesses.... "I wanted to be the first one, so made sure no one gets to sneak in a call before mine!!"............ Isn't dat lovely?? My best friend, can't turn up at my b'day..... but still managed to give me a gift dat will always make me smile................. perhaps one of the most beautiful gifts ever!! Thanks moti!!
There are more..... I decided to stick with b'days amongst Me, Sailee and Nitish............. Three Musketeers!!Cheerio!!
Monday, April 16, 2007
The Invisible Mask
To each person,we have a mask so unique,
its all like a game-hide and seek.
Our thoughts have always been hidden,
is speaking our hearts forbidden??
Always trying to please and impress everyone,
A life so insecure has begun.
Living a life,fake and superficial,
Its no way going to be beneficial.
Its like a drama,its like a play,
Different masks for a different day.
When one mask is removed,
another mask is approved.
Constantly changing and hiding behind a veil,
Our worthy identity we always conceal.
The fear of rejection has crept in our mind,
people's judgement has made us blind.
Pretending has become a second nature,
and our real self is always in capture.
Let us throw away our masks,
I know, this may be a difficult task.
But....we have to show what we are,
and respect people for who they are!
Remember....I am what I am!!
for what people think....i care a damn!!
Well, this poem was sent to me by a good friend of mine. Incidentally this was after a very long converstaion regarding people and how they live their lives...... including us!! And then she came up with this one. Not her compositio mind you..... but then, nevertheless more than our discussion it was this poem that got me thinking. So we really do wear a mask all the time, don't we??
Silly me............ you call that a mask?? It's our own flesh and blood... how can it be a mask?? Well, the implication of a mask here is not the literal mask that one may wear say in Mardi Gras..... rather it is the web of pretension that we spin around us, a web that looks diferent to different people and each take it to be the ultimate truth.
Phew!! Isn't that heavy duty?? yeah.... may be..... but it is also the truth......
We all pretend. And somehow I think we have lost touch with our true self.........
I won't talk about anyone else..... let me talk about myself...............
Lemme say I have the following set of friends: A - I meet him regularly, B,C - I speak to both of them regularly........ they stay in a distant land, D - my best pal (I think so...), she knows me for more than a year and a half now...................
Do they all believe me to be the same? In fact, do I behave similarly with each and everyone of them?? Isn't my behaviour guided more by my gains and interests?? In that case, who is the real me??
Ah!! I dunno...................
I think I'll take your leave now....... feeling pretty numb right now!! I might continue on this later.... but now, I need to think!!
Dreamers or Devils????
This is a collage which me and my roomie Neal decided to put together scraping together a few pics of ours and our friends............. Take a look.............

An Evening with Friends
15th April - The Bengali New Year......................
15th April, 2007 - A Time for Friends.......................
Lost??? Do I see a question mark on your face???Well then let me fill you in............. Ummm.............. where do I start??
Ok..... the foundation of this evening lies in Orkut............ yes... you got that right.... Orkut. In going with the trend of forming communities in Orkut... about a year ago a community was formed termed "Bengalis in Pune" ( This community in time turned out to be quite active with frequent gatherings taking place now and then. And so as time flew by a Bengali New Year rolled in............ Time to get together.........After a lot of talks and discussions (a typical bong trait!!) people decided to meet up at Shambhaji Park in the evening. And then the wait began...... Among the many who had confirmed their presence, quite a few were "veterans" and with time have turned out to be really good friends.
And so the D-Day arrived. The oldies were looking forward to the newbies...... after all, its time for some ragging!! :)So, let me give you the attendance roster here:
The oldies: Ipshita, Susovan, Kuntal, Archishman, Soumya, Smita, Arunava, Mr and Mrs Bishwarup, Kaushik, Bishwanath, Chandrajit and finally yours truly!!
The newbies: Anwesha, Nazia, Dev, Amitabh, Arun, Shantanu, Kallol.
Thats about it............... 20 odd youngsters.............. Enthusiasm unlimited........... Let the good times begin...........
And so the ragging began - The newbies have to introduce themselves in pure bengali. No word belonging to any other language would be entertained. Should it be used, one has a fine of X amount per word!! Funny?? You should see the guys and gals fumble with their bengali when they introduce themselves!!Oh btw, forgot to mention all this was happening while it was raining and without a care in the world we decided to get soaked............
It felt good.............. and later chilling too!! lol.......
Intros over.............. fines collected..... we needed a place to grab a bite................ McDonald's here we come.....................
Probably the fellas at McD were never so much surprised when they saw 15 youngsters soaked to the skin, troop in and create a racket unparalleled............... Ah!! the number of times we were stared at, glared at and even asked to keep it low!! lolzzz............... still gives me a reason to laugh!!
And suddenly we could not trace Ipsy.............. it turned out she had sneaked away to get herself a new handset........ a Nokia N-series..... (am pathetic at gadgets, so don't ask me the exact model number!!)............ cool!!
Burgers, Cokes and Fries............................ crunchhhh....... slurppp....... and burppp........ all done.... But wait, the evening ain't over yet!! All head for Apache..............
The new Apache on Ghole road, turned to be really soft in its ambience...... real good!! Drinks all around........... nothing much though.... a few went for their Tequila shots..... some for their vodka and whisky.......... and everyone for "Go-To-Hell" a cocktail...... very sweet, but good.... you definitely feel the vodka tinge your tongue!! Music , drink and ........................ u guessed it dance.......... We had a few of the footloose people shake a leg in the cramped space at our corner................ It was fun....
And then the day settled in....... one by one we dispersed............ old friends caught up..... new friends found....... And the Circle grew bigger!!
There's always time for friends..................... Its for you to find it!! We keep going for it................ Do you???
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Fear of the Dark
When the light begins to change
I sometimes feel a little strange
A little anxious when it's dark.
Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have constant fear that something's always near
Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have a phobia that someone's always there
This morning while tuned into the classic Iron Maiden number "Fear of the Dark", I was suddenly reminded of my conversation with a friend the previous night. She too has a fear of the dark. And our conversation was about something strange, something supernatural and deadly!!She just happened to tell me about this strange incident she had seen being reported on a TV news channel a few weeks back, where a strange happens to call you up, you receive the call........ and then you die!! Or the best scenario..... you fall seriously sick!! Isn't that strange?? Incidentally, her elder sister happened to receive a call from an unknown number, pretty late into the night!! Dunno, about the elder one, but my friend was spooked. And she was telling me all this. I asked for the number. She gave me the first 3 digits. I decided to look up my old PD (a 1992 one!!) and found none!! She was like:
"Drop it, why are we talking about this? Let's talk about something else."
"Nah!! C'mon, this is interesting. Have you ever tried planchet??"
"I'm really getting scared now..... please stop"
THUDDDD............ something fell..... my PD from its nest!!
"Shit, how did that thing fall?? See, simply by trying to look up that number code on my PD caused iot to fall from its place"
"Stop it. Please lets talk about something else"
******** whistle*************
"Damn it Sam, you scared me!!"
Again silence...................
And this scene got repeated a couple of times. By this time the poor girl was scared so much, I really had to stop it. Oh boy!! but it was fun scaring her. I won't miss those gasps, when she heard me whistle!! hehe..................
This takes me back to another incident. It was at the end of December, 2005. A bunch of 20 youngsters were taken for an outbound training at a place caled Khopoli, near Mumbai, India. The spot for our outbound training was a cluster of farm houses.Anywyz, cutting to the chase, the incident happened one night when 4 boys - N, K, D and B decided to scare the girls staying in the farmhouse nearest to ours. 3 in the night, these 4 guys they step out into teh night and stealthily crossed teh lawn to the girls' house. And then the show began...........................
A glass window got pelted with pebbles, knocks on teh glass door... suddenly the dogs start howling........ and then the lights flicker............ till they go off!! And then someone switches on the emergency light.
A peek in the room, shows 4 girls huddled at the center of the room...... scared out of their wits.... while one happily slept away to glory!! God!! what a sleepy head!! Finally a girl managed enough courage to reach for her phone and called one of teh culprits to turn up their and "guard" them from the unknown!!
Next day mroning, over tea we discussed about this................... and then the punchline............... teh sleepy head walks out and simply exclaims : "What were you gals scared off?? It was always these guys......... No ghosts, nothing!! Sheesh!!"
And the cat was out of the bag!!
No prizes for guessing what happened next!!
Note: I have omitted the names for obvious reasons. So please bear with me.......
I sometimes feel a little strange
A little anxious when it's dark.
Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have constant fear that something's always near
Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have a phobia that someone's always there
This morning while tuned into the classic Iron Maiden number "Fear of the Dark", I was suddenly reminded of my conversation with a friend the previous night. She too has a fear of the dark. And our conversation was about something strange, something supernatural and deadly!!She just happened to tell me about this strange incident she had seen being reported on a TV news channel a few weeks back, where a strange happens to call you up, you receive the call........ and then you die!! Or the best scenario..... you fall seriously sick!! Isn't that strange?? Incidentally, her elder sister happened to receive a call from an unknown number, pretty late into the night!! Dunno, about the elder one, but my friend was spooked. And she was telling me all this. I asked for the number. She gave me the first 3 digits. I decided to look up my old PD (a 1992 one!!) and found none!! She was like:
"Drop it, why are we talking about this? Let's talk about something else."
"Nah!! C'mon, this is interesting. Have you ever tried planchet??"
"I'm really getting scared now..... please stop"
THUDDDD............ something fell..... my PD from its nest!!
"Shit, how did that thing fall?? See, simply by trying to look up that number code on my PD caused iot to fall from its place"
"Stop it. Please lets talk about something else"
******** whistle*************
"Damn it Sam, you scared me!!"
Again silence...................
And this scene got repeated a couple of times. By this time the poor girl was scared so much, I really had to stop it. Oh boy!! but it was fun scaring her. I won't miss those gasps, when she heard me whistle!! hehe..................
This takes me back to another incident. It was at the end of December, 2005. A bunch of 20 youngsters were taken for an outbound training at a place caled Khopoli, near Mumbai, India. The spot for our outbound training was a cluster of farm houses.Anywyz, cutting to the chase, the incident happened one night when 4 boys - N, K, D and B decided to scare the girls staying in the farmhouse nearest to ours. 3 in the night, these 4 guys they step out into teh night and stealthily crossed teh lawn to the girls' house. And then the show began...........................
A glass window got pelted with pebbles, knocks on teh glass door... suddenly the dogs start howling........ and then the lights flicker............ till they go off!! And then someone switches on the emergency light.
A peek in the room, shows 4 girls huddled at the center of the room...... scared out of their wits.... while one happily slept away to glory!! God!! what a sleepy head!! Finally a girl managed enough courage to reach for her phone and called one of teh culprits to turn up their and "guard" them from the unknown!!
Next day mroning, over tea we discussed about this................... and then the punchline............... teh sleepy head walks out and simply exclaims : "What were you gals scared off?? It was always these guys......... No ghosts, nothing!! Sheesh!!"
And the cat was out of the bag!!
No prizes for guessing what happened next!!
Note: I have omitted the names for obvious reasons. So please bear with me.......
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Sometimes I wonder, what can make a person like me, totally lazy to teh core, who would run away from teh very idea of having to do something, start blogging. Reading is ok, but writing??? YIKES!! You talking to teh wrong person here dude!!
Yeah, I have been blogging....... May be not too much but enough to freak me out now!! I still wonder as what caused this transition in me. Maybe I always wanted to write. You see I actually started soemtime in October/November 2005, managed to forget my blogger id and password, till google saved me by linking blogger with google accounts. And so, after literally a hiatus of one year, I came back. 4 posts in a year. some 20+ odd in since then. This is too freaky for me......... An my frequency is increasing I guess.
And here's the best part, I'm trying to read up on more blogs.... (actually gone through at least half a dozen blogs since evening, liked a few, bookmarked them, and woudl read them out completely!!)....... and actually form a network with fellow bloggers..... Been totally unsuccessful so far.... But I'll try..... Never thought I could write, but I guess I can write a lil bit from the comments I have received so far!! So what next??
Let me tell you........................
It's alta la vista baby!!
Time to say good night to office.... spent enough hours in here.......... I ain't getting paid for OT now, am I??
So, ciao................
can't say if another post is offing soon enough!! Looks like am freaking out now!! Stay tuned!!
What the heck..................
Scene 1:
"Oi, Sam.......... you coming to the party??"
"Sorry mate, I ain't got a date."
"So what??"
"You nuts. You guys going with the girls, am the only stag.... would get bored to death."
Scene 2:
At some party Sam does turn up, at his friends' insistence. As he feared, soon the couples were lost in their own worlds and Sam was left to devise ways of fighting boredom!! And he decides, "Next time, I'm coming.... I'm coming with a girl here!!"
Scene 3:
Desperate Sam tries to hook himself up time and again and fails............ So much so, now he's fed up with it..... But his friends have taken up this "Quest" for him.......... Find Sam a girl!! He's got loads of female friends, but not one whom he can call his girl friend. Everyone jumps in to help him. Sam decides to quit.... relax... take it easy.... and till then enjoy!!
For how many guys out there, is this a story they identify with? How many of you subconciuosly thought of that gala party coming up next month or so, when you hooked up?? Be honest!! At least 50% of the guys think that way!! Now, here is the question: "What's the big deal about being in a relationship???" "What the heck.... if I wanna be single???"
Please answer me this simple question.
Am 23 and single.......... and this is something most are not able to digest. Just about everyone I come across, the moment they spend sometime with me, they are like "Why ain't you searching for a girl??" Arghhh!!!! Why is so necessary to find one NOW?? I mean, if its marriage that these people want me to think about next, then I got at least 4 more years...................... So, why should I start on this girl hunting business now. As a lady put it - "You search now, woo her, evaluate her, if a bad choice you have 4 years to rectify, and finally after you are 27 you get married!!" Hello?? Like, what is this?? I am to get in touch with a girl evaluate her and then decide whether I wanna marry her or something?? Is it supposed to be that cold-blooded??
Somehow, this whole show leaves me flabbergasted because the only thing I figure out is that everyone is yelling "Find a girl, settle down!!". Why do people fail to realise that its my life!! Let me take my own sweet time in doing what ever that needs to be done.
As far as girls go..... they ain't fruits to be plucked from the trees..... they need to be chosen with care........ and should you fall...... well fate has chosen for you... so go ahead and have a ball!! Till then, leave the single soul alone should he not ask for help!!
I dunno, whether anyone agrees with me put there or not, but somehow I feel this pressure of settling down and all that stuff....... I mean whether it be a girl friend aur a wifey, forces many a guys to be hasty and they end up choosing someone not so compatible with them, and the result in the long run is never good!!
At the end of the day for people like me: "Relationships?? What the heck, I'm cool being single... doncha bug me!! And i'll cross the bridge when I come to it!!"
Till then
Single Sam
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
It's Personal Time
The games forwarded messages play!!
It was just a casual request by my friend that made me ponder about how much we tend to send across forwarded mails or messages. I mean, a message comes in and we go for our choice of recipients and the message/mail is forwarded. Being an IT professional, have to encounter this menace a lot. Agreed, I really to see many beautiful things, may learn a few facts...... may be sit up and notice something that needs to be looked into...... But still, the moot point here is not the forwards rather the lack of personal mails. The way we interact... I mean, everyone is just about a few packets of data away!! Literally.......Type in an e-mail address, and your mail is gone...... Punch in the number and you get to send the message. But about a simple message which asks:
"Hey friend,
How are you?? Last Time I heard you were working with X. Still there?? And what happened to that beautiful gal who had a crush on?? Man, she was awesome. Don't tell me you stayed quite, you bozo. Or, is it someone else now?? Well...... fill me in, got that??
By the way, forgot to tell you. I've started dating this girl I met sometime back. Great girl yaar!! Come to town, and I'll introduce you to her. She's already met the guys here.... And they are floored. A real lady!!......................................................................
Now, keep in touch OK??
Rock on buddy
How much would it take write those few words?? How many times do we actually smile to see a personal mail?? I do............ And that's why when my friend complained of the forward, I immediately complied with a personal mail!! She loved it................ And started giggling. She was happy to see that!! Now, isn't that smile of your friend precious?? Think about it....
May be you want to hit the keyboard next to type out a letter for someone you have sent too many forwards..... It's time for a touch of you...... It's time for something personal.
Confused Sam
It was just a casual request by my friend that made me ponder about how much we tend to send across forwarded mails or messages. I mean, a message comes in and we go for our choice of recipients and the message/mail is forwarded. Being an IT professional, have to encounter this menace a lot. Agreed, I really to see many beautiful things, may learn a few facts...... may be sit up and notice something that needs to be looked into...... But still, the moot point here is not the forwards rather the lack of personal mails. The way we interact... I mean, everyone is just about a few packets of data away!! Literally.......Type in an e-mail address, and your mail is gone...... Punch in the number and you get to send the message. But about a simple message which asks:
"Hey friend,
How are you?? Last Time I heard you were working with X. Still there?? And what happened to that beautiful gal who had a crush on?? Man, she was awesome. Don't tell me you stayed quite, you bozo. Or, is it someone else now?? Well...... fill me in, got that??
By the way, forgot to tell you. I've started dating this girl I met sometime back. Great girl yaar!! Come to town, and I'll introduce you to her. She's already met the guys here.... And they are floored. A real lady!!......................................................................
Now, keep in touch OK??
Rock on buddy
How much would it take write those few words?? How many times do we actually smile to see a personal mail?? I do............ And that's why when my friend complained of the forward, I immediately complied with a personal mail!! She loved it................ And started giggling. She was happy to see that!! Now, isn't that smile of your friend precious?? Think about it....
May be you want to hit the keyboard next to type out a letter for someone you have sent too many forwards..... It's time for a touch of you...... It's time for something personal.
Confused Sam
Am Sleepy!!
Ah!! Its 3:00 pm.....................And I just had my lunch....... And.................. I'm terribly sleepy!! LOL.......Now, I was wondering does that mean I'm lazy or is it normal?? Gosh!! I'm yawning like anything right now......... And I'm sure if I keep on typing soon everything written out here would be so incoherent that I woudl fail to understand..........Ah!! The lazy afternoons..... how I wish I could simply walk into the "Shantikaksh" at my office and just doze off there, away from teh prying eyes of my I..... damn it, I forgot.. I mean I dozed off............... you know what, I think I might as well.............. grab some sleep............. before I end up writing in a manner which would resemble nothing but goobledygook!!till then happy sleeping!!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
The Lady Within Me
An Ode to .................
She is the lady I dream of when I sleep....
She is the lady I talk when I need to....
She is the lady who drives my conscience...
She is the lady who sings the song I love...
She is the lady who irritates me yet loves me.....
She is the lady I long for all through the day.....
She is the lady I embrace when I want to be myself.....
She is the lady who takes me for what I am......
She is the lady who knows me inside out....
She is the lady I can always rely on....
She is the lady I always care for.....
She is the lady who makes me smile at her antics.......
She is the lady who drives me crazy with her simple words......
She is the lady I hate to love and love to hate.........
She is my soul mate.......
She is................
The lady within me!!
She is the lady I dream of when I sleep....
She is the lady I talk when I need to....
She is the lady who drives my conscience...
She is the lady who sings the song I love...
She is the lady who irritates me yet loves me.....
She is the lady I long for all through the day.....
She is the lady I embrace when I want to be myself.....
She is the lady who takes me for what I am......
She is the lady who knows me inside out....
She is the lady I can always rely on....
She is the lady I always care for.....
She is the lady who makes me smile at her antics.......
She is the lady who drives me crazy with her simple words......
She is the lady I hate to love and love to hate.........
She is my soul mate.......
She is................
The lady within me!!
A few more of the shayaris!!
उनकी झुकी पलकों में कोई तो सुनेहरा सपना है...........
उनके दबे होंठों में कोई तो महका राज़ है..............
आज उन पलकों में हम ज़रूर सिमट जायेंगे...........
उनके होंठों पे सदा के लिए एक गीत बन जायेंगे
गुज़र चुके है वोह पल, जब लड़कपन में जीना होता था,
शामियाना लगती थी, दिल खुश होता था;
थिरकते वोह पल अब यादें बन गयी है,
कैसे भूले उन्हें, मदहोश तो आज भी है
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
What if.......................
There are times when the mind wanders off into the unknown and often asks some questions for which we probably don't have any answer............. I've tried to jot down a few of them here...... Tell me what you think about them??
Sometimes I sit back on my chair and wonder,
What if......................
What if we didn't have to work everyday for a living?
What if we never had to sleep?
What if we didn't have to stop by and say I'm hungry?
What if we all knew how to sing?
What if we had loads of time to stare at nature?
What if we always got what we wanted?
What if we always fell in love with right person?
What if we always got to marry the person we love?
What if we lived in a world upside down?
What if we were not separtate entities like guys and gals?
What if we never had to follow Newton's law?
What if the apple had never fallen from teh tree with Newton around?
What if Edison never discovered the bulb?
What if Bell had never invented the telephone?
What if we didn't know what we know?
What if life was not so full of lies and deceit?
What if......................
What if I stopped thinking for a day ??
What if......................
Sometimes I sit back on my chair and wonder,
What if......................
What if we didn't have to work everyday for a living?
What if we never had to sleep?
What if we didn't have to stop by and say I'm hungry?
What if we all knew how to sing?
What if we had loads of time to stare at nature?
What if we always got what we wanted?
What if we always fell in love with right person?
What if we always got to marry the person we love?
What if we lived in a world upside down?
What if we were not separtate entities like guys and gals?
What if we never had to follow Newton's law?
What if the apple had never fallen from teh tree with Newton around?
What if Edison never discovered the bulb?
What if Bell had never invented the telephone?
What if we didn't know what we know?
What if life was not so full of lies and deceit?
What if......................
What if I stopped thinking for a day ??
What if......................
Monday, April 02, 2007
Yeah, you read it right. I am bombarded...................................
In case you are wondering about what's that which I am being bombarded with it's nothing but ideas... Ideas or rather topics on which to write... I mean really have stuff to write about.......
It was while reading about this particular fellows blog today afternoon that I got an idea about things that I might want to write about.................... Actually ended up writing half of them..... In my mind though. And so after I convinced myself that I really don't have much work to do now at office, with only half an hour to go before I officially get to call it a day..... I logged in.......... And you know what?? I am zapped!!
I remember all the topics but not the contents that I had thought up!!
Sheesh!! Could things have been worse??
Or may be couldn't have been better?? Confused??
Let me explain............. You see I have been told a number of times that I can write...... But me being the total stubborn self that I am actually ask for proofs of that..... And whatever they managed to point out.... I simply reduced it to shreds with my criticism.......... LOL... I am my own critic, and very harsh on it!! Can defend it equally blatantly should it be attacked!! Yet to find some one who would attack my work :(
Some have done so in a mild manner, say with my writing style or stuff like that...... took it upon myself to change their thinking and wrote just the way they wanted me to!! hehe.... boasting?? May be!! Anywyz, coming back to the topic....
What I have actually realised is that nowadays I can actually think up things to write about!! Yeow.................. how did this happen... I dunno!!
Simply started that's it!!
I am on a roll So let's make hay while the sun shines.... lest I stop writing again!!
Btw, I am still in teh dark about what I was thinking... except I wrote something which would be coherent only to a "nutcase" maybe!!
Till then cheerio!!
In case you are wondering about what's that which I am being bombarded with it's nothing but ideas... Ideas or rather topics on which to write... I mean really have stuff to write about.......
It was while reading about this particular fellows blog today afternoon that I got an idea about things that I might want to write about.................... Actually ended up writing half of them..... In my mind though. And so after I convinced myself that I really don't have much work to do now at office, with only half an hour to go before I officially get to call it a day..... I logged in.......... And you know what?? I am zapped!!
I remember all the topics but not the contents that I had thought up!!
Sheesh!! Could things have been worse??
Or may be couldn't have been better?? Confused??
Let me explain............. You see I have been told a number of times that I can write...... But me being the total stubborn self that I am actually ask for proofs of that..... And whatever they managed to point out.... I simply reduced it to shreds with my criticism.......... LOL... I am my own critic, and very harsh on it!! Can defend it equally blatantly should it be attacked!! Yet to find some one who would attack my work :(
Some have done so in a mild manner, say with my writing style or stuff like that...... took it upon myself to change their thinking and wrote just the way they wanted me to!! hehe.... boasting?? May be!! Anywyz, coming back to the topic....
What I have actually realised is that nowadays I can actually think up things to write about!! Yeow.................. how did this happen... I dunno!!
Simply started that's it!!
I am on a roll So let's make hay while the sun shines.... lest I stop writing again!!
Btw, I am still in teh dark about what I was thinking... except I wrote something which would be coherent only to a "nutcase" maybe!!
Till then cheerio!!
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