Oi!! So you are here?? Welcome to my inner sanctum. I trust you won't be disappointed. Stay tuned, as I mumble along now.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Happy New Year


Loose slippers, open balcony, half-filled wine glass, a wine bottle, a telephone kept of the hook.... the entire scene makes me yearn for a long weekend where I am totally in touch with myself. And this new year, I might actually that. Loads of running around to do. Quite a few races to be run.... guess it's time to take a rest.. for there's lots to be done.
Let me know what the pics makes you think about...
Saturday, December 22, 2007
And then there were stars...........

Thursday, December 20, 2007
Christmas at work.....

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
That Thing called Love
Tuhin is a scriptwriter based in Mumbai. A tele-film called Phir se, premiered on Saharaone last year and based on a Story, conceived and written by Tuhin, won the RAPA award for the Best tele-film, 2005. Tuhin co-scripted Pyar Ki Kashti Mein on Star One. The show, a first of its kind, was shot exclusively on a cruise. That apart, Tuhin has scripted episodic screenplays of several other dailies across channels.
Apart from TV, Tuhin is presently working on two movie scripts for directors, Onir and Subhash Sehgal respectively. He can be contacted at thatthingcalledlove@gmail.com
Monday, December 17, 2007
Can't live without..............
So here goes:
Three things I can't live without: Air (the correct mix), water and food!! :P
ok... i know that was bad.... hmmm..... let's see....
- Talking: Surprised?? Don't be!! I love to talk... I can like go yap yap and yap.. all the time else I'd be so quiet, you wouldn't notice me!! And yes, I believe I can talk about anything under the Sun. I know I think a little too much of myself, but then a fellow is allowed that much of a liberty now isn't it??
- Listening: Yes..... talking alone does you no good, you need to listen. And it applies not only to what has been said, but more to what was left unsaid. In the few summers that I've been on my own, this is themost important thing I learnt. You've to listen!! No, shortcuts! It helps one in understanding many a things and also makes you one of those on whom friends rely on for some advice, some solace, someone they can turn to when they need to talk, be listened to, and nothing else!! No matter, how long your relationship has been, listening forms a key part to it!! And to understand a woman... well... simply listen to her!! She says more with her eyes than her lips!! :)
- Being myself: I can't help that... I can't pretend.. unless I need to. I'm a bundle of contractions - wild, passionate, leisurely, lazy, pleasure loving, crazy, sober, calm, stupid, brainy, weird, unpredictable, a hidden funny bone, romantic..... there are so many things.. and I'm everything in a single day!! May be there is more to me than I care to know or reflect upon!!
Honestly, there are many things which would have made it to this category, the most important all not mentioned for that's my Achilles Heel and the rest... well.. they all are important because of the "Heel" :)
"True love endures, if it does not, then it was never true."
This is a principle which I believe every idividual should keep in mind. In a time when we all have a propensity to fall for someone, this one line should be there at the back of the mind.
For the future is never clear until it's the present!!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Just for kicks!!

So which one am I??? lol...
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Celebrating work!!!
It's Saturday midnight, and here I am at work supposedly providing production support. But as far as I can see, there isn't much to do.... Thoroughly bored.. royally bugged... blogged... tried orkut, read loads of blogs... am fed up of that entire show now... dunno, what else I can do now.. except wait till the stipulated hours and then finally drop off!!
Jeez.. that means another 4 hours to go!!!!
Let's tune in to the music on my phone... maybe that would help a bit....
till then cheerio!!
But, who’ll forgive me??
“Fire at will…”
It’s over…. I must seek penance for this act. But, who’ll forgive me??
The Night.........
Friday, December 07, 2007
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Hey that's mine!!!!!
Monday, December 03, 2007
The no. is 6724

What is AIDS??
A few facts about AIDS:
- It doesn't spread by touching. So don't treat AIDS victims as outcasts.
- It can spread even through a spuriated syringe or blade... anything that can come in contact with the blood. So, keep a check on that.
- It can happen to anyone. So, be alert.... just the way you need to wear warm clothings in winter so not to leave yourself susceptible to the effects of winter...
- Through spuriated objects, like a needle at the chemists, or the blade at the barber's.
- During pregnancy... from mom to child.
- Unprotected/irresponsible sexual intercourse.
How to control it?
- Please ensure the hygiene factor of any object like needle or blades which could have been used by someone else and thus be spuriated by their blood.
- Guys USE condoms. Whether you agree or not, but that's how most sexually transmitted diseases can be prevented. Not to mention it keeps unwanted pregnancy at bay and helps in family planning. Contraceptive pills or morning after pills are not the solution for they are known to have certain side effects on the lady in the long run. Btw, even they have expiration dates so please take care to ensure the quality before you use one.
- Be responsible towards your partner. Stay true and honest..... this helps in taking precautions as deemed fit.
- AIDS on wiki.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Taggity Tag!!
1. Name one person who made you laugh last night?
Isha, by doing something really kiddish... can't remember what but does manage to be a kid when around me!!
2. What were you doing at 0800?
Sleeping… and probably snoozing the alarm!!
3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
Talking to Isha....
4. What happened to you in 2006?
Nothing remarkable..... but met a great girl called Isha.
5. What was the last thing you said out loud?
OUCH!!!! Coz, someone had pinched me really hard!!
6. How many beverages did you have today?Coffee in the morning and a glass of water a few minutes back.
7. What color is your hairbrush?
Don't have one.. but my comb is coloured white!!
8. What was the last thing you paid for?
An egg sandwhich today evening.
9. Where were you last night?
At work and then home.
10. What color is your front door?
11. Where do you keep your change?
In my wallet…
12. What’s the weather like today?
Pleasant… past sunset now and the cold breeze has started to blow....
13. What’s the best ice-cream flavor?
Dark Chocolate of Ti-Amo. Mecroche comes close...........
14. What excites you?
Ummm… I would tell but then I’d have to kill you. (Sorry, mann.. had to take this from you!!)
15. Do you want to cut your hair?
Unless I have no option!!
16. Are you over the age of 25?
No. I wish I was.... can't tell you why though!! :D
17. Do you talk a lot?
Ummm.... at times yes.. it depends!!
18. Do you watch the O.C.?
No. Am not much into the idoit box, least of all the soaps!!
19. Do you know anyone named Steven?
No… Who's he?
20. Do you make up your own words?
Haven't made any note of such activity till date!!!
21. Are you a jealous person?
Ummm..... I don't think so!!
22. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘A’.
Now that's tough..... I mean can't name a single one outright now.... but then.. lemme think.... Ananya!!
23. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘K’.
Can't recall anyone as such with 'K'
24. Who’s the first person on your received call list?
25. What does the last text message you received say?
"Pyramid n sphinx need 2 be seen n experienced - specially at night - spectacular, its difficult 2 describe - we r now on way 2 alexandria". can't tell u who sent me that.....
26. Do you chew on your straw?
No… if ever i use one that is!!
27. Do you have curly hair?
No… never!!
28. Where’s the next place you’re going to?
29. Who’s the rudest person in your life?
Yet to qualify someone for that category!!!
30. What was the last thing you ate?
31. Will you get married in the future?
Yes as soon as someone agrees!! ;)
32. What’s the best movie you’ve seen in the past 2 weeks?
Jhankaar beats… that was a few nights ago... love to watch it again and again!!! :D
33. Is there anyone you like right now?
34. When was the last time you did the dishes?
Last night.... I'm on my own!!
35. Are you currently depressed?
Yes… I’m dying to get my code working but the stupid query gets a timeout…
36. Did you cry today?
37. Why did you answer and post this?
Cause I felt like it... why do you wanna know?
38. Tag few people who would do this survey.
Oh anyone game enough... if you feel like it.. go ahead!!!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Like some other person!!
So, tell me what do you think, when does change for the sake of change or for some superficial need take place? How does it affect the personality?
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Kolkata Burning!!!
Nandigram Fire Spreads to Kolkata
Do let me know what you think after reading it. More will follow...........
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Daakiya aaya!!! (The postman's here!!!)

Saturday, November 17, 2007
Blogging in my sleep!!
Anywyz, just to cheer myself up.. I'll post few pics of Kolkata, I caught the last ime I went to Kolkata... And one of my workplace at Pune early in a winter morning.... take a look!!

Kolkata Tram

Kolkata City Centre
My workplace, early morning!!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Anything for you, ma'am
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
The festival of Dhanteras is also known by the names of Dhantrayodashi and Dhanvantari Trayodashi (Dhanwantari Trayodashi). It is the festival that marks the beginning of the diwali celebrations and therefore it is considered the first day of five days long festivities of diwali. The term 'dhanteras' consists of two factors 'dhan', which literally means wealth and 'teras', which means thirteenth. Here thirteenth is meant to indicate the day 'Trayodashi', on which dhanteras falls. Dhanvantari Trayodashi (Dhanwantari Trayodashi) is celebrated on the thirteenth lunar day of Krishna Paksha, of the Hindu month of Kartik, that is two days before diwali.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
First Meeting...... Or the Last!!
He sat there in the cafe fiddling with his mobile. A calm demeanor had enveloped but deep within there was a tempest of emotions. He couldn't believe that the day had finally arrived. A moment long awaited was finally about to engulf his senses. Will things turn out to be just the way he had imagined them to be. Will he live up to expectations? A cold sweat broke out as he walked out of the cafe. The weather was hot and humid. Should he just sit there and wait? How long would he have to wait? He was supposed to be there at 7:00 but he had arrived a good 15 minutes earlier. And that seemed to be lasting through ages. He stared at his mobile. A simple one with nothing but the basic functions that one would need! But, it had led him to his source of joy, his elixir of life. He thought of calling but what if the line on the other end was busy, what if the voice at the end said it would take a little more time. He knew the voice worked hard, very hard. At times he thought it was killing her, but then he couldn't do much about it, not when he is 2000 km away. But today he was just a few hundred meters away, and they seemed to stretch beyond the horizon. Time was passing about so slowly. He noticed his clammy hands and wiped it against his pants. He checked his reflection in a glass. He did seem alright. Not weather beaten, given the weather of this city it was natural to look that should one be using the public transport to commute. And this was his first visit to this city as a grown up. And definitely a first to this part of the city! He glanced at his watch. Still 5 more minutes to go before the BIG moment arrived.
His thoughts took a time travel back to their first conversations and marveled for the umpteenth time how things had changed between them from casual conversation to flirting and finally much beyond. From just another friend, she became his most essential reason for living, his very essence of existence. And surprisingly all this without ever meeting each other!! He couldn't believe his luck for as per him he had found his dream girl, accidentally but he had found her. And She would be walking through the parking lot in front of him any minute now. They had got on with each other like a house on fire right from their first words. A call supposed to last for just 10 minutes had gone on for more than a few hours. As this became more of a norm than an exception, they started spending virtually every moment awake with each other. Every aspect of the other person was clearly etched in the other’s mind. “Can this be real?” he often thought! Guess it was, else he wouldn’t have been standing here in a distant land just because of a girl who was the perfect woman in his eyes. He thought back to the moments when they had their tiffs and how she had fought back to claim him more ferociously than ever. The fiery little girl had everything that he had ever asked for in his prayers.
His prayers were answered. His search was over; there she was calmly walking towards him across the empty parking lot looking radiant, a shy smile playing across her lips, her eyes twinkling (or were they really shining bright??), her beautiful mane falling over face. She tosses her head to one side and finally stops in front of him. He was rooted to the spot. He shook her hands to confirm that he was not dreaming. And as they walked back to the coffee shop, he pinched himself to be assured once more that he had finally met her. The heart was really set alight to hover miles over the earth into a different world of its own.
Her Story
She couldn't believe that after months of talking she was finally going to meet the very guy who had swept her off her feet, without ever setting his eyes on her. The very thought that in a few minutes he would be staring straight into her eyes was making her knees go weak. Will he be as subtle as he had always portrayed himself to be? Will be the guy she had imagined him to be over the past few months? A dozen questions chased each other across her head. He had called a few minutes back. He was here. She wanted to rush out immediately and meet him, but something kept her rooted to her seat. This seemed to be so unreal. It still felt like as if they’d come to know each other a few days back, yet it had been many a months since that day. The butterflies in her stomach had gone into an overdrive. She got up, checked into a mirror, was she looking alright. It had been a long day at work, and she just hoped that the fatigue didn’t show. But would he really care about that? After all, this fellow simply knew how to cool her down after the most horrendous of days. And his voice…….. She simply loved his voice. Somehow it had the ability to keep her on her toes, and at times soothe her when she had frayed nerves. Would he be just like that in person? She checked the time, 5 more minutes to go before she met him. She started walking towards the meeting spot.
Her mind went back to the first time she had called him up on a cold winter night. Right from the very beginning it was like he knew everything that there could be about him. Did he fit into her idea of the perfect guy?? She was surprised that she was asking herself this question. And the first thing that she fell in love with him was his voice. It was just the way she had always thought a guy should be having. And the way he modulated to allow the maximum impact of his words. Very early on she realized he could play with words and twist things to his advantage. A fighter to the core, she loved losing to him. It was perhaps a silent submission from her end, but then neither of them realized it till they had gone far ahead into a relationship which was perhaps the sweetest that could ever be. She couldn't forget all those times when she had gone extremely disturbing phases and how the fear of losing him had gripped her a few times. Yet he had never gone, he had stayed around, assured her of that soothing her frayed nerves and made sure she was alright. He was always patient with her. And the way he knew her made her think he was some sort of a magician. Yet, it was he who called her a Black Magic Woman, for according to him; she had cast her magic on him, and didn’t want to break free of it. Yet, she felt, he too is guilty of the same. Else, how could a fiercely independent girl be so much in awe of a guy she had never met? After months of planning to chalk a free schedule thanks to their busy schedules, they were meeting today. Looks like her search might be over.
And then she saw him, standing with a lost expression on his face, staring straight at her. He was the splitting image of what she had imagined him to be…. tall, dark and ordinary looking fellow, nothing special about him except perhaps his voice and his intellect. As she walked towards him, he stared at her as if she was a dream. Was this really the first time they were meeting? It sure did feel awesome, but definitely not the first time. Yet, the realization had to kick in. And it did, when he shook her hands. The very sense of his gentle touch sent a shiver down her spine. It was him. Finally, the fellow who had made her smile at the most stupidest of things was there in front of her eyes. And when he said “Hello”, the same voice that had mesmerized her all these day threw her into a tizzy and she felt like saying a hundred things. Yet all that she managed to say was, “So, finally our first meeting.”
And Then…
And then their story flew into the deep abyss of the night, to be shared and known only by those two souls. Moment which would leave them longing for each other more than ever would perhaps never be known by anyone, but then some things are to be experienced and not shared.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Check them and out!!
A Strike & Early at work !!
Early to work!!
As the import of such an activity in the long run sunk in, he couldn't help but grumble. Turning up at different times of the day on a regular rotation basis would affect him a lot. He knew it. His sleep would be the one which be most affected. But what should he do now get rid of such a work time?? Absolutely disgusted he begins another mundane day at work!!
Any suggestions??
Friday, October 26, 2007
It ain't easy honey!!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Asche bochhor abar hobe (It'll happen again next year!!)

The idol at Khadki Kalibari, Pune (2006)
Sample this: it 2:00 am, different team of youngsters gather at prominent puja location. Guitars, Pepsi, smokes and water in tow..... the plan is to rock the place. How? Well... simple... sing!! Oh yes!! Singing on till it was 5:00 am. And trudging back, for one has to turn up again early the next day. Sleep is meant for daytime, if you cannot find anything to do..... but then, for youngsters this is the perfgect time to do anything with full permission. At no other time of the year can you flirt with such ease with any girl you fancy. It seems that all the beautiful ladies start coming out of the wood work..... and that's when we guys realise why they say Bengali girls are the most beautiful.
It is during the same time period that Navratri is celebrated, culminating on the 4th day of the Puja. The navratri brings in 9 days of dance, music and Devi worship. The tenth day is Dussera, the day it is believe that Lord Ram defeated the evil Ravan to claim his lady Sita. It is also the last to Durga Puja, the day being noted as Vijaya Dashami. It is marked with the immersion of the Goddess idol in the river and later the burning of an huge effigy of Ravan.
And now it's all over....... People should be tired after all the dance, the pandal-hopping (going around to catch a glipmse of all the idols in town), gourmet pleasures. But then, who has ever been tired after having a good time??