Now, the pic below can make you think of a lot of things, and frankly I really don't know what. But, allow me to guide you through what I saw and thought.

Loose slippers, open balcony, half-filled wine glass, a wine bottle, a telephone kept of the hook.... the entire scene makes me yearn for a long weekend where I am totally in touch with myself. And this new year, I might actually that. Loads of running around to do. Quite a few races to be run.... guess it's time to take a rest.. for there's lots to be done.
Let me know what the pics makes you think about...
Makes me want a home of my own, with things kept where I want them to be and me curled up with a book somewhere.
hmmm beautiful pic it makes me wanna take time off, just for myself and be totally not reachable to the world for sometime and for once not having to answer to anyone abt how i live my life...
What a mesmerizing pic!
To me it depicts a person who is quite at ease with her being! One who does not care where things are kept as long as she can find them. Someone who is not in the constant need of keepin in touch with "others" as long as she is in touch with her "soul':)
My idea of a perfect weekend. Only I 'd want to have another pair of legs beside mine :) But, just like you said- still a lot of races to be run. No time to indulge in that luxury excapt in fantasies :D
hmmm...a lazy weekend...thn gettin up as usual thinking itz work time bt then coming to realise itz weekend..n flopping back to the bed...tucked inside the balnket n no worries.....just pure solace :) n god only cn help by keeping this moment forevr :)
this is nt related to the pic though bt my imagination of my perfect sleep...
U tkcr...n get tht lods of sleep n rest n get tht boost frm it for u lods of wrk still 2b done :)
coming back to pic....hveta agree with u itz a yearning for such a dream which will be fulfilled as a dream away frm the world..least bothered just enjoy the freshness of a holiday with the cold breeze giving in the chills on those pink cheeks..god wil stop here i cn go on this :P...
U get the drift..?? & needless to say beautiful pic.
Orchid.. :)
This one makes the staunch feminist in me rear its head.
The pic depicts a woman who isnt bound by the shackles of the world. She is 'free' and in the real sense of word. She doesnt kowtow to the wishes of others..dreams big and chases her dreams...lives on her own principles.
The telephone is off the hook - She wants to be free,like I said,She wants noone to bog her down.
The open balcony - Her sanctum..Her wings have taken but chasing her dreams..
Makes me wanna think about another thing. She probably is like me and loves to sleep. Wakes up late. Shuts off the alarm ( not even snooze). Keeps the phone away.
That's my interpretation.
Makes me wanna get married :)
now now dont hit me on reading this...:D
maybe just maybe she is sitting in the balcony with her glass of wine enjoying the silence of the night..thinking about the future and dreaming away to glory...
when suddenly the past catches up on her with a phone call...
and crashes everything.......the call is cut abruptly, the wine glass pushed aside, the phone kept off the hook as she goes to her room wondering ---'what am i really trying to run away from??'
the next morning, she is still sleeping more from the hangover from sobbing all night...
as the wine, the other phone calls she was anticipating, the carelessly forgotten bedroom slippers...the open balcony ...nothing mattered....
nothing mattered she was flung back in time...into a journey travelled long long ago...
P.S: sorry if this interpretation spoilt the happy-happy mood...:)
Even before i had a look at the pic..i read ur thoughts... so me thinks the same :P
i think it means end of it all or may be the time for a fresh start!!
i simply loved the pic. You are right about interpreting it in so many ways....
I hope you get some time for yourself soon :)
@libber: don't we all want that...
@vands: as ai said.. dats wot we al want soemtime or teh other!!
@kavita: welcome onboard!! i trust ur visit has been a delightful one!!
dat ws a wonderful way to look at it... really wonderful!!
@appy: but den u can have the fantasy to be true even wen u r running the race... i too am part of teh race..a dn yet i do take time out to indulge in my fantasies to best of my means!!
the extra pair of legs has nothing to do with the race.. dats how i see it... or may be teh reason u can actually run the race to its completion!!
@mads: do u knw u've dpicted teh situation for working fellas???
@clouds:adn a real strong feminist u r.. good to se ur point of view here!!
@annie: lolzzz.... u need to find the perfect one before that..
@pri: trust this chick to come up wid a thgt like that.. ok. i give u another take.. its teh morning after a passionate night.. he has left (for work say).. she gets up gets teh wine and as she sips it.. her recollects wot had transpired and den purrs happily as one of her gently rubs against the other.... now does the picture seem bright
@ashu: or may be a necessary pause between loads of action!!
@raaji: thnx, but i'm afraid that may happen only after a couple of years i guess..
I did...gosh i didnt know tht..just typed wht came to my mind instntly :D so sorry..
The picture reminds me of my recent poem "Balcony". :-)
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