Monday, November 13, 2006

A time to make friends!!

Well am writing after a long time here. Almost a year i dare say, may be even more. Much has happened since then. Let's first try and sort things out for that! Ummm............ went off to Mumbai, been there for 2.5 months, fell head over heels in love with that city, but had to come back to Pune, got stuck here, lost my best friend to Mumbai (got transferred there you see), and then spent some really lonely months in Pune, or rather evenings and sometimes weekends. And then......................
And then "Orkut" happened.
God!! Had signed up for that sometime in the last week of September, 2005 but never really payed much attention to it. After all, I didn't really need to spend a life on the net. Nor did i really have the time for that! But, back in May 2005, I was too bored to really bother about "Orkut addiction"or should we phrase it as metamorphosing into something now termed as "Orkutaholic". Scary??
Don't worry!! That's the truth for just about 75% of all members who are in the 15-25 age group. Is it bad? YES. Is it good? again a YES!!
The trick with orkut has always been to use it effectively. Use it to connectto your old friends, stay i touch with friends who are staying far apart, form coomunitites, and get desired information and help wherever you are. Back in May when i was spending lonely evenings at the company guesthouse, I started to use orkut, as a mean to fight my boredom. I joined communities like a mad man. Found one, which was meant for people from community residing in Pune. I was already a member, was moderately active, but i had a mission. I wanted some sort of activity in my life. A life outside my office. And thus i set about at this task with a gusto and enthusiasm I've rarely displayed. End result: I have a circle of friends, whose root lie in Orkut, but is no longer dependent on it!! So close is the circle, I perhaps wpould find it hard to leave Pune, and move to some other city. Boy!! What would you call it??
Amazing?? YES!! Hard to believe?? Well I am not going to give you any options on that, better believe it!! But, in the bargain, I became a Orkutaholic!! LOL!!
A person, who was hardly a netizen, would now be found orkutting for 6-8 hrs a day!! Now, dat's a change!!
And now I have been off it for nearly 4 days now. Have things changed for me much?? Nopes. Orkut has served its purpose. It has given me the kind of friends I wanted. And now its upto me to hold on to them. The latest being someone, whose very existence I would have treated with disdain. But know that i've come across this person, I am a bit nervy to say the least!!
A person, who thinks just about the way you do, is hard may be rare to find..... but I've found one. And guess will call it a day soon at Orkut!! Or will I??
So long then!! Adios!!

1 comment:

Vedashri said...

Decide first whether you are friendaholic or orkutaholic?!

Friendaholic, :D