S: It is true that my poems are a reflection of my experiences. But not entirely!! It is also bred by what I observe, for I do like observing people. There have been times when I have described someone else’s state of mind. Now, don’t ask me to identify them for that would be unfair to all. Enjoy the work of creation while the fingers can jot down what the heart wants to say, whisper or shout. And the reason why one finds a consistent note of pain and sadness in my work it’s probably because of what I have observed and experienced. If you observe closely, everybody says I’m fine. But then are they really fine?? I’ll bet you every penny I have that they are not. There is sadness inside them that they want to forget, hide, banish! Why?? IMO, that action kills us slowly but surely. It is the primary cause of stress induced illness today. Heart ailments, skin diseases, baldness etc., all these ailments are getting younger victims. And why?? Face it. Don’t just banish it, because it has to be banished, you can never do that. But you can live with it, deal with it and still live happily. So when you read my poems, the submerged sadness/pain in you rises to the surface, stuff you thought had gone from your life, they come back. And that’s when you learn to fight back, to control and realize it’ll stay but you can still learn to be happy!!
You say I’m feminist, yet trust me I loathe that term. No, I am not. I call a spade a spade. If something is unfair it is unfair. You have observed me writing in a manner which might want to describe a lady’s frame of mind or the atrocities committed against them. But, the opposite is also true. You do have men out there, who have been tormented by the fairer sex. They have faced ordeals plotted by some lady just to forward her own interests. They’ve been victim of mistakes committed by some lady. They say men are dogs yet when it comes to the matter of the heart, I see more heartbroken men. The ladies have moved on, but the men are still in a time warp where their lady love left them. On investigation, I found that guys to be innocent or under pardonable circumstances. Ma’am, I am not a feminist. I only uphold the unjustness of a situation and scream for justice, men or women, all to be treated on equal moral grounds, for the Devil’s workshop can be anybody’s mind. It doesn’t choose it’s victim by their chromosome combination.
C: No, you can not remove that T-shirt even if you are feeling hot and again telling you.. remain seated quietly. Don't try to show off your biceps/triceps to me. It won't work. My pet tiger is curiously looking at you and he has just had a bucketful of Vodka. He now wants to taste some non-veg. So, before he gets into some action tell us about your first crush. How old were you and what happened initially & subsequently? Are you still in touch ? And what kind of qualities are you looking for in your life partner?
S: My first crush was a girl called Rajshree Sisodia. I was about 8 years old. St. Peters School, Jaipur, class 3!! And well, nothing much happened. Just remember liking her a lot. About the same time another girl Richa Mathur around. Now at times I’m confused as to who came first, can’t really remember that. But then both were great pals of mine. Lost touch with them the year after as we moved to Kolkata. And my life partner, hmmm…. Check out this link: “I’ve finally found someone”!!
C: There, that wasn't so bad now, was it? And, it was quite fast also, we have already reached the fifth question and looks like I haven't asked any !!First tell us about your some of the hobbies like reading, writing, guitar, salsa etc. how much time & effort are you able to give them ? And I am not going to leave you like this unless you tell me why you opted to be interviewed? You were a bit shy but you wanted to go for it. Hai na ? We all need a good detailed answer with why not & why yes. Attempt all the four parts of this.
a) Was it sheer habit of getting interviewed ?
b) You had nothing to post about ?
c) You wanted to find more about yourself ?
d) You wanted to have my mail-id ?
Hey, come on, spill the beans now. See, all your friends are chuckling there.
Note:- If they harass you, send them to me to be interviewed.
S: Well, it surely was fast and I’m regretting that the interview is coming to a close now. But then, the show must go on.
So, my hobbies!! Now, what to I tell you about them? I sneak out time for everything and everyone. And at different times they offer me solace. But frankly, it is music and dance which can entrap me in any mood. But, if I write it has too under severe stress, the ones which actually receive adulation from many. The rest are normal stuff, the ones which may not have much of my heart in it.
And well, I agreed to the interview because I really wanted to find out how much grilling can you really be. To top it, I've never been interviewed, not yet a high profile character. In the end, I must say that you've just scratched the surface. And I never really thought of getting hold of your mail-id. Now that I have that, may be I’ll go for more. I hope you can take that in your stride!! What say lady? Wanna dance?? I promise to be good!! ;)
Do YOU want to be interviewed?
Interview rules:
1. Leave me a comment saying "Interview me."
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your blog with a post containing your answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and may offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.