Well, don't worry I am not here to babble some alchemy stuff or things that are best left in the world of ancient lore, though they might sound interesting. But honestly before I delve much into my theory of the Elixir of Life, I guess a little history or recollection about the actual thing is asked for... the else the importance would be lost completely!!
The Elixir of Life is a legendary potion which if taken would grant the drinker eternal youth. A supposed myth bred by the ancient world of
Alchemy, it's existence has still not been recorded. Though the myth has spawned quite a few books, the most popular in recent times being the the first book in the Harry Potter series:
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, which was later adapted into an immensely successful
motion film.
Coming back to the main topic. At times I have thought about it. I dare say more so after reading the likes of Paulo Coelho, and somehow my train of thoughts being a weird much before that, Coelho just fueled it like never before. So, as I was saying my thoughts, assumptions and observations frequently guided me towards one and only one conclusion, the Elixir to Life is nothing but Happiness!! Surprised?? Or do I hear you saying, "I knew it was coming!!"?? Well, whatever it is, you have to tolerate me now!!
You see as per the laws of Alchemy anything could be created if one knew exactly how to mix the basic things available to mankind. Similarly, if one takes a close look at what constitutes to be happiness (am not talking of twisted/sadistic stuff here....) one would find it has varying degrees of love, affection, kind deeds, honourable intentions, honesty.. values which have been upheld by civil societies across the world, which form the guidelines of our moral existence. (In case, someone is thinking about the morality propagated by the "moral police" please, do not confuse..... that's twisted and vested interest driven.... nothing to do with society per se!!). Wondering about the truth of this statement??? Let me ask you a few questions:
1. When was the last time you smiled and why??
2. Name a gift that made you smile and why??
3. Why do you like to see someone special smile??
4. When was the last time you felt like dancing in the rain and why??
You may have gone through with all that I have mentioned here, but should you be able to answer the why... you'll know what I am talking about!! And frankly if your are happy, then you8 do stay young don't you?? Not only in the spiritual sense, but medically too!! Why do you think some people are all smiles, fit and fine despite being past 60?? That's why it is said, "Don't worry, Be happy". The quality of life is what matters the most. Tell me if I am wrong.... and do chuck you materialistic mental baggage before you start thinking about what I have written over here!! That's a request!!

"It doesn't matter how long you live, it matters how you live"