No!! This is not about a trip to the wild jungles and stuff like that. This is about what's there and what we are going to loose, what our future generations may never see. A couple of weeks ago I saw this report on NDTV (I guess) where they were talking of the diminishing number of Tigers and Gharials. While the number of Tigers have gone down, its the Gharials who are really the matter of concern. With an alarming death of more than 100 at the Chambal Sanctuary in the past couple of months for reasons u
nknown, the Gharial is now one of teh critically endangered species. I've been trying to dig up more on them, but its a painstaking work, what with our daily obligations in place. Anywyz, amidst all this I came across one such enthusiast, Apoorva Joshi, who has actually gone out there and is trying to do something about this. Please go through her blog: the wilderness n its wild kid.

This is not about us, it's about the environment that we live in. It's about the ecological balance. It's about what we pass on to future generations. Please, let's do something about it.
That was a great effort,i on my part got inspired by your post,and the only thing i could was wat i do the best.I wrote about your post in my blog,to spread further awareness,also
NDTV people have launched a massive campaign to save the tiger,chek out their website,and sign the online petition.
Thanks for reminding me,my responsibilty to save the wildlife
God Bless You!!!
and i hate this word verification
I guess as the person above said, I will go and check out the NDTV campaign and sign the petition. But what use does signing a petitiion do> I guess I have signed so many, but I know nothing about what happened after that?
I guess with this post you should also pu points that we can do to help these beings out!
I will surely put a link back to your post on my blog.
we have this module in college under the liberal arts dimploma called science and sustainable development... we were bouncing ideas off one another and my classmate, ikshit suggested that they should have special programmes in schools so as to teach children responsibility from the beginning... the programmes should cover everything from how to help curb global warming with small things like changing the kind of bulb you use to biggers issues such a wild life conservation. we tried talking to a couple of local school (some of them very well known) and the reception we got was colder than a grave. it left us shocked and even hurt because these are the institutions that are supposed to be nurturing future citizens. we should have easier access to NGO's and the likes... and lets face it, we saw it on the news... when the tiger census came to 1411 the ministers themselves said that these are arbit reports and that nothing is wrong... we need to do something, and while this is a small step, it is a start...
chill man, dont be so serious!!!
Yes, the minute protests are made, people claim the numbers are incorrect.
And look at how many tigers are being killed at Sundarbans. Mainly, of course, because they are man eaters.
They are man eaters as their natural habitat and their direct source of food as been destroyed. Its a chain of events which began centuries ago.
How do you convince these hunted men not to hunt now?
will these poachers read these msgs?
well the most effective method would be as solitaire subtly put it, catch these poachers by the neck and direct them to ur blog...
ok jokes apart, i believe the keyboard is mightier than the pen which is mightier than the writing about it, signing online petitions, campaigning would definitely make a difference...:)
the govt should pay more attention to wild life and see to it that these endangered species are made secure and even the not-so-endangered-species are safe before its too late...
im also aware that just advertising or proposing dosent count...responding to the 'call of the wild' is what matters...
shucks!! why cant these poachers just live and let live? :(
well said, my fellow bloggers. i've heard abt NDTV's campaign a couple of time on TV. but sadly, never gave much attention to it. your blog made me visit their site and sigh the petition. thanx, buddy
I'm all for doing something about it. But what?
good job on spreading awareness Sam!
i'll come back here after readin apoorva ... and then maybe i can think of something to do
a wonderful effort dada!
how many of do care or bother about such grave issues.. most find it trivial.... but i am glad atleast there are people who bother about the world around us... such awareness is required.. what world do we present to our future generation then?
@everyone: thnx for the support you've shown... let's take things a step further!!
@tushhar: thnx mate.. spread the word
@veens: yes please, do so.. dats the least, right??
@bubbles: i'll second u on that!!!
@ashu: kabhi kabhi hona padta hai yaar!!
@adlibber/solitaire: i dunno.. i do hope they read it!!
@pri: i dunno... i do hope they do!!
its sad how they are poached and hunted. I will surely miss them. a few more years. I dont know whom to blame. its just us.
its us alrite... the point is about what we can despite the rat race?? that's what we need to find out first!!
Im not too much for NDTV's initiative..sounded too artificial and image building to me...thing is that we need to hit at grassroots...that means you and I will have to do sthg to stop it
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