It's been quite some time that I have been away from blogsville. Loads of work, some personal rasks, personal issues stuff which kept me to occupied and high strung to write a simple coherent sentence. Result, I have been staying away from most of the things I loved. Hanging out with friends, playing my guitar, blogging and god knows what not!! Hell... I wasn't even around to read blogs patiently!! And that is something which should be avoided. While being totally lost in my own personal world, staying away from these have brought my mind to a standstill... and as I see it, the same has happened to many. I realise my follies, at this juncture. Hell.... I didn't turn up here to be a ghost blogger!! There are so many things that are pending. Numerous tags, my time at BUF, a request from David.... so many!! And I'm yet to tend to any one of them!! Instead, I'm writing this post!! Why?? May be I'm guilty. Guilty of not following what I preach - "Never let go of what you enjoy!!" I did, and I find things falling apart at seams!! That's not what I like!! Sorry for being away!!
I'm back to blog... So stay tuned... I'll visit you soon.......
Welcome back !! Nothing else matters.
i second cuckoo ... welcome back buddy :)
waise i know how it is ... i need to shake it off too to get back into the groove, but then u know theres too much goin on..i'll take some time!
ohho...never too late!never too late!
now tht uve realised it and r back here, keep us updated :D
thanks guys!!!
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