Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Anything for you, ma'am

Now this one is for all you people in Love out there, who have seen/been through the agonies distance can cause to two fluttering hearts. How many times. I ask you guys, have you told your lady love "Anything for you..."? And how many times have you beautiful ladies, held your breath when you heard your prince charming utter those syllables? Let me guess, every time.... You may not have believed him then and uttered a "tchah!!" the effect of which best known only to those who have heard it...... and then one fine day he does something... at quite a risk... just for you... and that's when you believe him... more than anyone else... you know that he would really do anything for you..... ANYTHING!!
That dear readers, is the magic of Love. Ah!! I see some people out there groaning inwardly!! You must be thinking "What's wrong with this guy? Amongst the scores of topic out there why does he dwell on love??". I have only one thing to say: "Love always coz there is nothing more beautiful!!".
Now drifting back to the actual topic.... "Anything for you, ma'am", is one of the sweetest stories that one could have read about a guy facing all odds just to meet his sweetheart. It is an IITians love story.. as they say on the cover, but then once you are through with it, the only thing you'd say (I hope..) is "That could have been me!!". That's the beauty of this story.
An easy flowing style of writing, and the ability to travel back and forth in time is what marks this book with a signature style. And for all those P.G.Wodehouse aficionados, this book might just make you reach for the next Jeeves you can lay your eyes upon. The travails of the the protagonist, Tejas from Delhi to Chennai, would force you to read the book at one go.... The college life, the travel.. and finally the meeting.... it is what dreams are made of.... and in line with Tejas's philosophy I'd say... "What's Life without some spice??". Yup!! You have loads of spice.... read it.... and in a way it would take back to your campus days, when all as fair in love and war!! Along with Tejas one gets to meet some very interesting characters who end playing significant parts in all the mishaps/plans, the prominent being Mr. Fate. Now that's all I'm gonna tell you... now go ahead and grab a copy...NOW!!
The author Tushar Raheja wrote this book while still in college. A 2006 graduate from IIT Delhi. For more details, check out his web page.


IncorrigibleV said...

ohho i have heard of this book and prolly even seen frnd was readin this sometime back....
i dunno but this post got me all excited...mez gonna grab a copy ASAP :)
thanks sam

Pri said...

hmm sounds like an interesting read...
hope to catch it some time soon :)

Łóòň Ġãĺ said...

a lover who says ma'am .. would sound more like a naukar lol .. anyway .. maybe there are girls who like that ... but i liked my guy ... we were in a coffee shop once .. and it was 2-floors .. and i asked him to go up and please ask them to make the coffee hot for me since it was not upto my standards .. and he says "Aaah am not doing that!" and I "You don't love me :(" lol and he "Well if this is what it is .. then i don't! lol"

Keshi said...

Sam can I say one thing..I HATE the term Ma'am with a vengeance lol!

but sounds like a great story...


Anonymous said...

Thats a great book....have read it..Was messemerized with the storyline.......

Superb adventures!!!

Sam said...

vands, pri: do get it asap!!

loony: hmmm... i see it as a guy who dotes on his girl... and well has got be drawn as to what can/should be done and what not!! frankly, even i won't get teh coffee hot for my girl.. unless she's got a genuine reason for not doing so... sorry, lady.. if you wanna be lazy arnd me and get me to do stuff.. forget it!! that's not happening!!
but just for kicks... it feels good to stretch the extra mile... like hopping from one city to another.. spening an entire night at teh airport and den taking early morning flight just to meet her... and then the hassles while coming abck.. like waiting in the bus queue for more than 3 hrs... dats "anything for you, ma'am" for me... not the COFFEE...
achhe khase mood ki baja dali.. nalaayak!!

@keshi: well lady, i belong a lil to the old school.. so, i do joke arnd like dat a lot.. though i prefer addressing simply as hey girl/lady.... or soemthing else ;)
ma'am means..... am ready to pakofy u!! :P

@ashu: i can't agree with you more... wud u blv it if i told u dat i've been thru similar experiences??

The 'Mad' Orchid said...

"Love always coz there is nothing more beautiful"
wow....."Anything for you, ma'am"
here i come...... :D
as usual loved the expressn tht ran thru the entire post..thxs buds..

WritingsForLife said...

love stories... always warm the heart and keeps the HOPE alive :)

Unknown said...

Very nice Sam. The title reminds me of the line "For you - a thousand times over" from Kite Runner. That was one earth-shattering book. I hope you've read it. If not, I can let you borrow my copy.


Occasional Brilliance said...

read it... lkd it... good review

Sam said...

mads, raaji, mann: love is a necessary essence of life.. let be from anyone we know... and kind we know!!

@guns: you are so rite... dat's a wonderful book.... btw, have you read a thousand splendid suns by khaled hosseini?

The 'Mad' Orchid said...

Hey wel said buddy...indeed ISHQ BINA KYA JEENA YAARA (couldnt get better tune in my head) n m nt limitng or restrctng my love to just a specific person bt to anyone v knw as u said :D

Sameera Ansari said...

"Love always coz there is nothing more beautiful!"...Nothing but the truth!Great writing going on here,keep it up! :)

P.S.Could you please tell me how you have enabled prevention of copying any lines from the blog by clicking on them;I stumbled upon it when I tried to copy-paste this line to this comment out of laziness!

Aashi said...

**Ahem ahem** namesake...doesnt that sound familiar from homeground ryt now ;)

lolzz...newyz gud stuff as usual...but i dunno i kinda found a bit too much of a casual attitude in this post of yours..

not denying that it was attractive (the main purpose of your review i suppose) but then it lacked the look of a review it had i said earlier..a look of casualness within it.

rest...ur flow of writing is as always great namesake :)

kyamaloom said...

lovely book.. and hey u've got a wonderful blog too.. read some posts..
quite liked it :)

Sam said...

@mads: hehe.. hafta agree here...

@sameera: am glad u lykd this one... as for teh copy stuff.. well thats a javascript.. will pass that on to you shortly...

@aashi: gud to hear from u girl... i knw its bit casual.. had hold myself back a lot this time for i didn't want to reveal too much of the story... am still learning!!

@rohit: welcome onboard mate!! am glad to know you liked it.... coming arnd to ur spce shortly!!
keep visiting.... anytime!! :)